A while ago, I was exploring different file syncing options, but looks like nothing was entirely suitable for my needs. Then as a temporary solution I decided to use bash script and rsync
. This worked great, but the problem was that I had to deal with terminal (which is not the best user friendly solution)
An year later I learned Electron and it happened to be a perfect library for my needs.
“Electron is an open source library developed by GitHub for building cross-platform desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.”
So, the final product that I developed as a learning project was Syncolarity: rsync UI wrapper to synchronize files over different devices and platforms (since Electon app works on many different systems, and devices)
- create and run multiple syncing points (folders)
- set up different syncing options for each syncing point:
Preserve - console window to monitor the progress
- automatic updates using git releases.
Since then, I never lost an important document of file 🙂
You could give it a try here: Syncolarity app